B1Z Financial:
B1Z is a Private Equity Fund.
INDUSTRY: Private Equity Fund & Digital Banking
CAPABILITIES: Brand & Identity Design | Brand Strategy | Brand Management | Web Design | Social Media
To design the new brand identity and its applications for the new digital bank.
Our goal was to understand and define B1Z’s brand strategy in order to help build a scalable, consistent, and compelling global brand for the new Private Equity Fund and future Digital Bank.
Our objective was to ensure brand alignment for the new venture(s) across all channels and mediums to effectively communicate corporate and product messaging by providing a Strategic Roadmap that incorporates the following:
• Corporate Vision
• Core Values
• Value Proposition
• Competition
• Differentiating Attributes
• Target Audience
The project entailed: naming, creating a value proposition, mission and vision statements, a clear brand strategy that involved the research and development of the brand’s differentiating attributes, personality and core values. The whole process was divided in three stages: Discovery (understanding the business and brand strategy), Exploration (competitive analysis of the Private Equity Fund’s main competitors) and Distilling (based on the discovery & exploration, the new Private Equity Fund’s positioning was determined.